Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Task 1, 2 and 3

My 23 Things program begins:
First habit I need to develop to be a highly successful lifelong learner - 
remembering, writing down or developing some highly sophisticated system to never forget my passwords.


  1. Hi Congrats on creating your blog.

    I have added it to the UQL Blog list. Enjoy!


  2. Yes, I agree about the passwords -- as I started this program I was getting mighty confused with the logins to Google, Yahoo, etc.. Have had to write them all down.. which I guess is not a good idea.. oh well.

  3. haha - if you do discover this highly sophisticated system, please share!! I have already forgot all my passwords for 23 things!

  4. Scary how many passwords for so many different things we need nowadays. And now with 23 things I have a whole lot more!
